Saturday, April 18, 2009

Welcome to My World

In a few weeks I'll be 59 1/2 years old. Gee, I can start withdrawing from my IRA WITHOUT A PENALTY! This aging stuff is way cool!

Of course, not so cool is how the entire economy decided to go into the tank just as all the Boomers were planning to retire. One of my friends just emailed that she is thinking of "unretiring." We don't ask why. It isn't done in polite circles.

One wishes you could channel someone who was turning 60 or 65 in 1930 ... they would have been born in 1865 to 1870. You can just see them, hanging out at the local coffee shop, bitching and moaning "First it was Reconstruction and then the Panic of 1893 and then the Great War and now THIS! Don't we ever get a break?" Oh yeah, I forgot....there really wasn't such a thing as retirement back then. You either had already died or your kept working or you moved in with your kids or your maiden sister. And there was no Dunkin' Donuts. We're talking dire poverty.

So it is the best of times and the worst of times. We have our whole lives ahead of us and not a dime in our pockets but what the hey! If you haven't got your health you haven't got anything. And guess what, when you are about to turn 60 that doesn't seem like such a funny statement anymore.

I hope you'll join me in exploring the myriad ways we can continue to annoy both our elders and our offspring. We're Baby Boomers and you'll just have to deal with it. Always have, always will.


  1. Where can we buy T-shirts or coffee cup with that cool logo?

  2. Well, Francis, if you'll just give us a few weeks, the logo will be designed and you will be able to purchase "swag" to your heart's content.

  3. I loved everything but the part about annoying your offspring. But I will deal with it!
