Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thought I had forgotten you?

Hey, it was August! That means vacation! And that meant VISITING MY GRANDCHILDREN. Life does not get any better than that!

But now it's September so it's nose to the grindstone. Except that we have one more week of vacation next week. Which we'll need, because the fall is a very busy time at work for the Diva and so one needs all the R & R that can be mustered....

Just found a great article in the NYT about how much of one's retirement nest egg it's prudent to withdraw each year....

As you can see, the Diva is not only thinking about vacation but also about retirement. Not that she's going to retire any time soon.

But it's good to have goals and so two goals for the next six years are: have as many vacations as possible and save as much $ as possible.

AHA you say! Conflicting/competing goals! How does one deal with this conundrum?

I'm not sure....but I'm working on it. I'm banking on the fact that by the time I'm S*x*y S*x, people will be begging all of us s*xagenarians to keep working at lofty rates of pay. Dream on, you say? Well, I shall.....

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