Thursday, June 25, 2009


It's really hard to get one's priorities straight here...I mean, Farah Fawcett and Michael Jackson died on the same day. But I think we should concentrate on Mark Sanford.

I know that everyone is dumping on him, as they should, but we (and I use the editorial wee....inside joke)here at Turning S*x*y want to point out something...

What if someone sent you an email that said " In the meantime please sleep soundly knowing that despite the best efforts of my head my heart cries out for you, your voice, your body, the touch of your lips, the touch of your finger tips and an even deeper connection to your soul."

I mean, really, isn't that SWEET! Wouldn't you like it if your beloved sent you something like that?

Of course, the real question is "why wasn't he sending emails like that to his wife?" or "why wasn't his wife sending emails like that to him?" (we're an equal opportunity voyeur and not prejudging anything.....)

So just a heads up for all of us aging boomers. I know Mark isn't 50 yet, but he's reminding us that we don't have to throw in the towel....

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