Thursday, May 14, 2009


or as the sage says "I've given you a topic. Talk amongst yourselves."

One of the benefits of aging is that you have the ability to look back and assess the path you've taken and then make some choices about which way you'll go for the rest of the journey.

An article in the Atlantic brought me up short because I found the whole concept fascinating. A researcher decided to follow a group of Harvard men starting in the 1930's and track them to see what the course of their lives were. They were chosen because they exhibited qualities that would have seemed to have given them a good head start in life, not to mention that they already were at Harvard. The article, which is found at takes a while to read but I couldn't put it down (or whatever the equivalent is when you're reading something on the internet....couldn't stop scrolling?)

One interesting statistic is that a third of the men ended up having major problems with alcohol. Some of the brightest and most "promising" took detours in life that no one would have suspected. One of the people who took such a detour had such an interesting take on this life choices that I'm not sure he wasn't the most "successful" even though he was probably crazy and certainly unconventional to say the least.

I'd be interested in hearing what anyone has to say.....Peace.

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