Friday, July 31, 2009


I know my last post was over two weeks ago. What do you expect? I'm old and tired and can hardly put my fingers to the keys....

But a conversation with my friend John reminded me why I'm writing this blog. When you start to think about this "Turning S*x*y" stuff and aging and all that it can scare the **** out of you! Listen to this recent experience of John's....

Dropped off my car for service, and they were still open. Rick said he checked, and I didn't have it done very long ago, and I said that I had put on 3K miles. He said he saw that I had done 800 in 2+ weeks, but was going to check to be sure it wasn't something like they forgot to change the window sticker, or put the wrong mileage, because he didn't want to do the service if it wasn't needed. If only the doctors paid that much attention..

WHAT DOES THIS SAY ABOUT OUR SOCIETY? Auto mechanics (good ones, anyway) pay more attention to your car than physicians pay to our bodies! I'm being simplistic and the good docs are attempting to be like Rick the auto mechanic. But in my case, my personal physician has 4200 patients. Do you think Rick works on 4200 cars in a year? I DON'T THINK SO!!! And yet what's more important?

With the "Turning S*X*Y" set aging, we all have to be our own best advocates or we're F**K*D......but you didn't hear that from me....and apologies to my family members who are part of the medical profession but you know I speak the truth!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Just a reminder....

that it is INCREDIBLY COOL (ok, I'm dating myself with that word...) to be turning s*x*y. Listen to this!

Happy Birthday Meryl, Vera, Sissy, and Anna! These beautiful, brilliant, accomplished women are putting the “sex” back into sexagenarian.

Meryl Streep just turned 60 last weekend, and Vera Wang’s seventh decade begins next week. Bonnie Raitt and Sissy Spacek and Anna Wintour and Jessica Lange will soon follow. But these elderly geezers are not exactly going gently into that good night; instead, they have gone from zero to 60 with engines roaring. Streep just picked up an honorary degree from Princeton, Lange starred in the HBO hit Grey Gardens, Wang is about to twirl on Dancing With the Stars.

Now I have to admit, I'm still waiting for the local community college to call me about my honorary degree, and my closest connection to HBO is that my daughter worked there for a year and NO WAY am I going to appear on Dancing With The Stars! (I'm sure I would win but I have a philosophical objection to reality TV....)

However, I DID invent "Turning S*x*y" and you never know what else I might come up with. So stay tuned.....and while you're at it, have a nice day.

Monday, July 6, 2009


I was standing in the coffee shop this a.m. and someone came over and said "You sprinkle cinnamon on your lattes, don't you?" "Yeah," I said, "it's supposed to be good for you..." "Yes," she said, "it's supposed to help your metabolism...."

"I used to have metabolism," I said, "I wonder what happened to it?" "EXACTLY!" she said, "WHO STOLE MY METABOLISM?"

And you know, that is the essence of the problem.

I was not a bio major in college but I believe your metabolism has something to do with how quickly or efficiently your body processes nutrients etc. When you have a high basal metabolism, I think it means that you can eat fairly heartily and not put on pounds. If your metabolism is low, it's the opposite.

One of the real frustrations of aging for women is that their metabolism just seems to get up and walk off the stage. One day you're sort of a normal looking person and the next day you're "matronly." And no one can explain why.

Except people who understand metabolism. What are those people called? Endocrinologists? Haven't a clue.

All I know is that I'm sitting next to a group of eight men, all of whom are older than I am, and they're all thinner. That sucks, as the kids say. Now, it might be that this particular group of guys don't hang out with heavyset people. But somehow I just think that women have gotten the short end of the stick.

Maybe metabolism is one of those things that you can order on the internet....I don't know how much to order though and what kinds of sizes/amounts it comes in. Maybe I'll ask for a "medium" and see how that works out, and tweak it from there....